The complete god of war timeline - from ghost of sparta to world's best dad! | the leaderboard - duration: 20:10. the leaderboard 1,402,497 views. If i remember right the east auditorium is after the spining room with spikes. that being the case in the spining room with spikes and bats there is a handel you will need to get from the dead body next to the chest with th red orbs.. Panduan bermain game god of war ii sampai tamat. lama gak main ps2 jadi lupa, terutama tpuzzle di god of war, bagi agan-agan yg masih suka god of war ini bagi yang masih bingung ada walkthroughnya: the east auditorium ikuti jalan dan simpan permainanmu dulu. ikuti jalan lagi sampai ujung..
God of war 2 walkthrough guia modo titan proteger al tr
God of war ii answers question list. crossing the lowlands glitch? in god of war 2,just alittlebit after u get the hammer,theres a part where you have 2 open three gates? how do i advance past the east auditorium? what do i do when i get to the east auditorium?. Find all our god of war ii questions for playstation 2. plus great forums, game help and a special question and answer system. all free.. God of war. in god of war, the dark world of greek mythology comes to life right before your eyes. as you take the role of kratos....